The Founder
Laketa Dumas
“There is no such thing as instantaneous success! It takes years to bring forth a business that will yield a return. Each of us has a divine and set appointed time when their door will open, yet the key is never giving up”!
It is time to run your R.A.C.E.! Become Relentless, Ambitious, Courageous, and Extraordinary. I am Laketa Dumas, the founder of R U Ready 4 BIZness, BIG Institute, Surviving In The Real World, and Do It BIG Academy. I have been in that driver’s seat, lost, frustrated, tired, and uncertain of my ability to bring my dreams to fruition. I have experienced the heartache and pain that happens when a business fails; a business that you’ve poured your heart, soul, money, and energy into. I know firsthand what it feels like to have a vision that others are blind to and mock your ability to succeed.
Even with a BS and MBA in entrepreneurship, nothing prepared me for starting a business more than my personal lessons through failures. There was no roadmap to follow, and no professional to guide me. I understand the struggles and barriers entrepreneurs face daily and how there is a dire need for a direct route to executing a business.
I had to develop my own roadmap. I traveled abroad to Africa, Asia, and Europe to learn about trade and production in other countries and built relationships with international liaisons. I returned home having built relationships with patent lawyers, business attorneys, CPAs, graphic designers, animators, game developers, editors, fashion designers, and countless other professionals.
These resources and relationships have enabled me to create the GVW executive handbag, R U Ready 4 BIZness game, pop-up financial literacy simulation called “Surviving in The Real World” (SITRW), Serving Solver app, an online school called “Do It BIG Academy”, as well an art collection of Kemetic Ancestry called “Know Your Greatness” is a tribute to African greatness before slavery and our civilization’s contribution to the world. I have published interactive business and financial curriculums sold on Apple Books, R U Ready 4 BIZness, Entrepreneur’s GPS, Surviving In The Real World, Career Navigation, and Dream BIG, Plan BIG, Do It BIG, an animated financial literacy series called “Money Talks with President Big Bucks” and “Surviving In The Real World” video game narrated by President Big Bucks.
In 2007, I designed an entrepreneurship program for Detroit Public Schools Community District for general education and special needs students. It has been an honor to receive national awards for my entrepreneurship pedagogy from the Institute for Educational Excellence and Entrepreneurship (3e) Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education, National Entrepreneurship Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Field of Business Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Leavey Award for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education, and the Council for Exceptional Children Entrepreneurship Classroom of Year.
Yes, I had failures and successes in those early days. It comes with the territory. I had countless critics and rejections. My entrepreneurial journey inspired my business name, R U Ready 4 BIZness. Some of us say, “Yes, I am ready!” But in reality, we have no idea of the costs involved; costs which amount to more than just money. Starting your own business means making great sacrifices, being relentless, persevering through the rejections, and holding onto the possibility when it seems impossible. True fulfillment is knowing the mission you were placed on this Earth to execute and doing it up until your last breath. My golden rule is “Never chase money, pursue your purpose with passion, and money will surround you”! Do “everything” in Excellence!” Let’s run this R.A.C.E. together! Have the courage to take what others say is impossible and turn it into I’M Possible!

“Run your R.A.C.E for the long haul, and do not compare your business to anyone else’s”!