Grades 9 and Higher

The Entrepreneur’s GPS is your step-by-step roadmap to executing your business!

Countless people have an idea, a solution to a problem, or a concept that will change the world! Unfortunately, many of these people are driving without a roadmap and don’t have a clue how to get to their desired destination! They have no idea where to turn or what roads to take. They’ve been driving for days, months, and maybe even years, wondering, “Why haven’t I gotten there yet?” They’re lost, tired, and frustrated, and many, if not most, will simply give up. And all because they didn’t have a roadmap.

We bring you the business owner’s roadmap: The Entrepreneur’s GPS! It is your step-by-step guide to determine if your product is viable before you ever invest a single penny. Once, and only if, you discover that customers are screaming for your concept, The Entrepreneur’s GPS will take you through the execution process so you can bring your idea to life and to market!  

“Do not be afraid to dream. Do not be afraid to act on your dream. If you fail, get back up and try again. Rarely does one succeed on the first try"

Laketa Dumas

Finally, an entrepreneurship guide that alleviates frustration and saves you time and money!